We are Cabby’s Coffee
Building a Better Alternative.
Cabby’s Coffee was founded in 2014.
While working in the coffee business in Winnipeg, we saw the opportunity to build a local company providing high-end personal service that clients would appreciate, without costing them one cent more. That’s what we’ve done. At Cabby’s, we’re not working to be the biggest, we’re working to be the best.
Each year, we have grown steadily based on our reputation. Every client we have had is still a client. We keep growing because we treat our customers well, we offer great products, our pricing is clear and simple, we deliver on time and we care about the environment.
Our environmental story.
Like you, we at Cabby's want to do our part to help protect and preserve our environment. The vast majority of the k-cups we offer are recyclable eco-cups. When they are recycled, eco-cups have an excellent product to packaging ratio.
We also select our major coffee and tea suppliers based on their significant sustainability track records from field to cup. We promote more enviro-friendly options in all our supplies and services, including RC400 brewers that can be repaired instead of becoming obsolete.
We’re not perfect at it, but we’re working to do our part.
Our service story.
We take pride in our outstanding service. We offer all kinds of coffee, tea, milk, sugar, supplies, juice and pop and paper products - and we deliver them all within 24 hours or less of ordering. And we never drop and go. We say hello, check on the stock and check the equipment.
It’s in your best interest and ours to ensure the equipment in your office is clean and functioning well. Our new clients are usually surprised that we take the time and effort to do this, which is surprising to us, because it’s just good business sense.
We’d love to tell you more of our story, but mostly, we’d like you to experience a better coffee service.
Like a good cup of coffee, good service just makes each day a bit better.